According to Western Australia Police Force (WAPOL), Bluff Point crime rate for the year ending December 2022 was 34770 incidents per 100,000 population. This represents a 8% increase from the previous year.

Bluff Point Crime Index


(100 is safest)

Safer than 5% of most Australia suburbs

Bluff Point Crime Map

Bluff Point crime map

Is Bluff Point Safe?

Bluff Point has low safety metrics. Crime rates in Bluff Point are considerably higher than the average across most suburbs in Australia. Bluff Point is safer than 5% of all Australian suburbs and than 16% of Western Australia suburbs. However, stealing is a common offence in Bluff Point.

Bluff Point Crime Statistics at a Glance

Has Crime in Bluff Point increased or decreased in the past 5 years? The chart below shows the 60-month historical trend of the number of offences that occurred in Bluff Point.

60-month trend of criminal incidents across Bluff Point
  • The number of criminal incidents recorded by Western Australia Police Force in the year 2022 was 476, up 8% from 440 incidents recorded in the same period last year.
  • Bluff Point is in the 16th percentile for safety, meaning 84% of Western Australia suburbs are safer than Bluff Point and 16% of suburbs are more dangerous than Bluff Point.
  • Common crime: stealing.
  • The number of assault offences recorded in 2022 decreased by 10% (3 Incidents) compared to the previous year..
  • The number of sexual offences recorded in 2022 decreased by 25% (2 Incidents) compared to the previous year.
  • There were no homicide offences recorded during the years 2021 and 2022.
  • The number of burglary offences recorded in 2022 increased by 7% (2 Incidents) compared to the previous year.
  • The number of stealing offences recorded in 2022 increased by 33% (22 Incidents) compared to the previous year.
  • There was no change in the number of robbery offences recorded during the years 2021 and 2022.
  • The number of motor vehicle thefts recorded in 2022 increased by 33% (1 Incidents) compared to the previous year.
  • The number of property damage offences recorded in 2022 decreased by 4% (1 Incidents) compared to the previous year.

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Crime in Bluff Point: An In-Depth Analysis

AU Crime Rate’s analysis of recent crime data from the Western Australia Police Force (WAPOL) reveals that Bluff Point’s crime rate is considerably higher than the average across most suburbs in Australia, as it is ranked safer than only 5% of suburbs across the country, irrespective of population size.

Approximately 84% of Western Australia suburbs have a lower crime rate compared to Bluff Point. Therefore, Bluff Point’s public safety metrics are generally considered low.

How risky is that? Living in Bluff Point comes with a statistical risk of 1 in 6 of becoming a victim of crime, considering the total rate of crimes against the person and property. In contrast, the average chance of falling victim to crime in Western Australia stands at 1 in 13.

To better understand Bluff Point’s overall crime rate, it is essential to examine its performance in crimes against the person and property crimes separately. This approach can provide further insight into whether violent crimes, property crimes, or both, are the primary drivers of the general crime rate in Bluff Point.

AU Crime Rate’s analysis of Bluff Point crime statistics shows that there are 2922 incidents against the person per 100,000 inhabitants in a standard year, compared to the Western Australia average rate of 2158. As a result, the chances of becoming a victim of crimes such as homicide, assault, sexual offences, robbery, deprivation of liberty, and threatening behaviour in Bluff Point are 1 in 33.

Our analysis indicates that if you reside in Bluff Point, your chances of falling victim to property crimes, including stealing, stealing of motor vehicles, burglary, arson, and property damage, are 1 in 8, equivalent to a rate of 11030 per 100,000 residents. As a reference, the property crime rate for every 100,000 residents in Western Australia is 4822.

Bluff Point Crime Rates by Offences Division

DivisionNumber of CrimesCrime Rate (Per 100,000 Residents)
Offences against the person402922
Offences against Property15111030
Other Offences28520818

Bluff Point Crimes Against the Person

These are violent crimes against people whether these are family violence or non-family violence. Basically, if someone does something to hurt or scare another person, it’s considered a crime against the person. This includes:

  • Assault and related offences: There are different types of assault, like serious assault, which is when someone causes severe injuries as a result of a physical attack, and assault on police, emergency services, or other authorised officers, which is when someone attacks a cop or a paramedic or someone doing their job. There’s also common assault, which is like when someone threatens to punch you or makes you feel scared for your safety.
  • Robbery: There are two types of robbery or mugging: aggravated and non-aggravated. Aggravated robbery is when someone uses a weapon like a knife or a firearm (armed robbery) or causes serious harm to the victim during the robbery, like hitting them with a bat or a gun. Non-aggravated robbery is when someone doesn’t use a weapon or cause serious harm during the robbery but still uses force or the threat of force to take something from the victim.
  • Deprivation of Liberty: This offence typically involves unlawfully detaining or confining another person against their will. The essence of this offence is the intentional restriction of a person’s freedom of movement without lawful excuse or their consent.
  • Threatening behaviour: This represents harassing or threatening someone based on their race, skin colour, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or disability, in what’s known as hate crimes. It also includes insulting someone, cyberbullying, and cyberstalking.

My Chances of Becoming a Victim of a Crime Against the Person

1 in 33

In Bluff Point

1 in 45

In Western Australia

Crimes Against the Person Comparison (Per 100,000 Residents)

Crimes Against the Person: Bluff Point vs Western Australia

Bluff Point population: 1369

Western Australia population: 2660026

CrimesTotal Criminal IncidentsWA Total Criminal IncidentsCrime Rate (Per 100,000 Residents)WA Crime Rate (per 100,000 residents)
Sexual offences66342438238
Deprivation of Liberty025209
Threatening Behaviour48463292318

Bluff Point Against Property offences

These are crimes related to stealing or damaging property or deceiving someone for personal gain. Property crimes include:

  • Stealing: It can be committed in various forms such as shoplifting, stealing from a person’s home, or taking a vehicle without permission. Other examples include stealing a bicycle, snatching a purse, or taking items from an unattended bag.
  • Burglary (unlawful entry): Aggravated and non-aggravated burglaries are examples of burglary. Aggravated burglary involves the use of weapons, threats, or violence during the break-in, while non-aggravated burglary does not involve such factors.
  • Arson: Arson is a criminal act of intentionally setting fire to a property, building, or forest (bushfire)  without lawful or justifiable reason.
  • Property damage: This refers to intentional or accidental harm caused to someone else’s property, such as vandalism, or graffiti.

My Chances of Becoming a Victim of Against Property offences

1 in 8

In Bluff Point

1 in 20

In Western Australia

Crimes Against Property Comparison (Per 100,000 Residents)

Property offences in Bluff Point vs WA

Against Property offences: Bluff Point vs Western Australia

Bluff Point population: 1369

Western Australia population: 2660026

CrimesTotal Criminal IncidentsWA Total Criminal IncidentsCrime Rate (Per 100,000 Residents)WA Crime Rate (per 100,000 residents)
Stealing of Motor Vehicles46391292240
Burglary/Break and enter32220512337829
Property Damage272685619721010

Other Offences

The category of other offences encompasses a range of unlawful activities such as drug-related violations, graffiti vandalism, various forms of fraud and related deceptive practices, as well as contraventions of Violence Restraining Orders. These offences, while distinct in nature, all fall under the broader umbrella of criminal activities that are subject to legal penalties.

Other Offences Comparison (Per 100,000 Residents)

Rate of Other offences in Bluff Point vs WA

Other Offences: Bluff Point vs Western Australia

CrimesTotal Criminal IncidentsWA Total Criminal IncidentsCrime Rate (Per 100,000 Residents)WA Crime Rate (per 100,000 residents)
Drug Offences19206511388776
Fraud & Related Offences153122910961174
Breach of Violence Restraint Order1312556950472

Bluff Point Crimes per Square KM

Crimes per square km in Bluff Point vs WA

How many murders in Bluff Point in 2022?

According to Western Australia Police Force (WAPOL), there were 0 homicides in Bluff Point in 2022. It’s important to note that this figure includes all homicides, not just murders.

What’s the most common crime in Bluff Point?

According to the latest available data from Western Australia Police Force (WAPOL), the most common type of crime in Bluff Point is stealing.

What is the crime rate in Bluff Point?

The overall crime rate in Bluff Point, as measured by the number of reported offences per 100,000 population was 34770 in the year ending December 2022.

However, it’s important to note that this is an aggregate figure that includes all types of crime, and some types of offences are more prevalent than others. Additionally, crime rates can vary by location, with some areas experiencing higher rates of certain types of crime than others.

Is Bluff Point a safe place to live in?

Bluff Point is safer than 5% of suburbs across Australia and the crime rates are considerably higher than the average across most suburbs in Australia. Compared to Western Australia suburbs, Bluff Point is safer than 16% of other suburbs in the state which are considered low safety scores in Western Australia.

Total Crime Stats of Bluff Point

DivisionSubdivisionYear (2021)Year (2022)
Against The PersonHomicide00
Against The PersonSexual Offences86
Against The PersonAssault (Family)1810
Against The PersonAssault (Non-Family)1318
Against The PersonThreatening Behaviour (Family)60
Against The PersonThreatening Behaviour (Non-Family)24
Against The PersonDeprivation of Liberty10
Against The PersonRobbery22
Aganst PropertyDwelling Burglary2123
Aganst PropertyNon-Dwelling Burglary99
Aganst PropertyStealing of Motor Vehicle34
Aganst PropertyStealing6688
Aganst PropertyProperty Damage2827
Aganst PropertyArson10
Other OffencesDrug Offences2919
Other OffencesGraffiti10
Other OffencesFraud & Related Offences515
Other OffencesBreach of Violence Restraint Order713

Note: This article doesn’t have detailed data for family violence, victims, female offenders, reoffending, stalking, and youth crime. For more information about these topics, check our resources page.


  • Western Australia Police Force (WAPOL)
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census QuickStats for all persons

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